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Home Packs w/c 25th January 2021

This week we have been learning about what baby animals are called. We have included a work sheet for children to match the baby animal with the parent, We have also been working on our scissor control, can you have a go at the cutting with scissors activity? 


As part of language development we have been working on the children's understanding height and length. Can you complete and colour in the activity sheet?


If you require extra print outs please click below...

What's your name? 

​ has created a FREE editable worksheet that you can type your child's name in to and print.


It is a great way to help master pencil control and encourage your child to learn the formation and pattern of their name. 


Ice Ornaments 

Brrrrrrrr.... its cold outside


The perfect temperature to create your own ice ornaments!


   You will need:

  • dishes, (we found shallow dishes worked well)

  • some bits & pieces* (berries, holly, leaves, twigs, blades of grass..)

  • some string,

  • water



  1. Fill the dishes with water

  2. Add a piece of string (make sure it is properly submerged and nice and long. remember to leave some string to hang the ornament.

  3. Place your items in the water

  4. Place outside overnight to freeze  

  5. Hang and enjoy! We would love to see your beautiful creations on Tapestry or share some pictures on our Facebook Page!


You could also add some bird feed for when they start to melt.




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